Samuel Brittain Blair Gravestones and War of 1812 Record

Sam says:
These pics are of my GGgrandparents Samuel Brittain Blair Sr. 1789-1870
and Clarissa W. Fuller 1802-1890. Samuel is the son of William Blair and
Sarah Sutter. Samuel is a War of 1812 veteran. I recently joined SAR
thru William Blair and am only 6th generation at 59. I was told by SAR I'm a rare case being only 6th gen.
and not 80-90 years old. I did do the FTDNA but not the Y test which I really would love to do! But I'm on disability and a limited income keeping me from getting
it done, maybe in the future. I have many Blair documents on my face book page "Ancestry William Blair Sarah Sutter" if you care to look around there, even an
indenture with William Blair and Sarah's signature's. Great hearing from you! Me, my daughter, her husband and my grandson made a trip to Pittsylvania Co. Va.
Nov. 15 & 16 2014 and we found all my Blair's, except William who is said to be buried on the bank of Tomahawk Creek near Rondo Va. which happens to be where
Samuel is buried, Rondo.
My Blair's:
William Blair and Sarah Sutter
Samuel Brittain Blair Sr. and Clarissa W. Fuller
Luther Rice Blair and Macybeth Harriet Aaron
Walter Clay Blair and Minnie Johnson McDowell
Winfred Carlisle Blair and Katherine R. Rickert, my parents