Bits and Pieces
Blair Bits and Pieces is a collection of miscellaneous information on Vermont Blairs.
If you have Vermont Blair information you would like to post to the website, please contact me at
Vermont Blairs. Anyone who submits information
will be given full credit for their work. Any questions concerning the information will be directed back
to the submitter.
From Linda Luce
My name is Linda Theresa Blair Luce and I am from Montpelier VT . I too am Researching the
Blair family tree.
My father is Edward Henry Blair B. 10/15/37 he married Elizabeth Anne Wilder, He had a sister Theresa Florence Blair B.11/25/38
d. 1/13/2007 she married Kenneth LaVanway of Waterbury VT. Their father was Edward Joseph Blair b.1909 d. unknown, he married
Alma Thersa Ryan. His father was Fred Blair and he married Rose Sinnotte.
I believe he was from Chezy New York. Children of Edward and Alma were
Edward Henry Blair Born October 15 1937 ( he is still living) and
Theresa Florance Blair Born November 25, 1938 on April 27th 1957 she
married Kenneth R LaVanway of Waterbury Vermont. Alma passed away (
thats all I know about her). His second wife I believe her name was
Phylis and they may have had two daughters Elizabeth (Betsy) Jeanne
Blair who may have been adopted by a later marrage. Elizabeth married
John Bell from New York. I know for a while they lived in Cohoes New
York they had a son name Eric Cliffton Bell Born July 4 1981 and Maxine
who I think may been put up for adoption at Birth. I remember meeting
her once when she got married. Don't remember to who. My mom tells me
that my dad had relatives in the Underhill Vermont area as she
remenmbers visiting them a long time ago Thats all I have so far. If anyone has anything that can help me please let me know.
From: Donna Lagoy
I am not directly descended from any Blairs that I know of but there is
a Blair in my family tree. My great grandfather's sister married a
Blair. Affie Swinton - b. 1870 d. 1935 - married George Blair -b. 1867
d. 1949. They are buried in Cornwall & Weybridge Parish on Rte. 30
Cornwall, VT. I don't know when they were married or who George's
parents were.
From: Phyllis J. Johnson
Emily W. Blair Stone was possibly from Guildhall, Vt. She died Jan. 23, 1847 in Canada. Information from another
family member who has done more extensive research, states that the Blairs and Stone families were long time, close
friends but I have no dates or anything concrete with which to back this. I have been unable to find any further
information. Emily was my gg.grandmother.
From: Timothy
I am researching my family tree, and have a link to a Mary or Julia Blair, possibly of Bolton, Vermont. This person
(Mary or Julia) married a Fred Larmay, and they had eight children, including a daughter Exelda Dina Larmay (my grandmother),
born in 1904, likely in Burlington or Winooski. Unfortunately, I have no other concrete information to go on. Do you have
any information which might be of assistance?
I wanted to follow up with you on my earlier e-mail concerning the Blairs of Vermont. Today I found the obituary of Mary
Julia Blair, b. 2/17/1871 d. 3/29/1947. It says that she was born in Bolton, Vermont, and was the daughter of Newell Blair
and Julia Sheret Blair.
As an additional piece of info, I went down to the state archives in Middlesex, Vermont, and found at the birth certificate
for Mary Blair listed Ireland as the country of origin for Newell Blair and Julia Sheret Blair.
From: Jan Jordon
On pages 5758 in FRONTIER CROSSROADS the people of Newport, Vermont, by Emily M. Nelson, �1978, by Courier Printing Company it states:
"Ward Prouty, older son of Charles Azro and Abby Davis Prouty, was born at Newport Village, Vermont, on June 15, 1884.
He was his father's private secretary at the Interstate Commerce Commission in Washington. Ward Prouty's second marriage was
to Edith BLAIR, daughter of John and Ida BLAIR, of Beebe, Vermont, on May 10, 1916. They resided for some time in West Derby
at the former Stage Coach Inn on the Bluffs. Their daughter, Genevieve, was born here. They also resided while in Newport on
Pleasant Street. Ward Prouty died in 1927. Ward's uncle, George Herbert Prouty, was Governor of Vermont in 1906, etc."
I have more information on the Prouty family.
From: Pam Ellsworth
I wanted to let you know that Rensselaer Ellsworth married Sally Blair. I've also been told that Joseph Ellsworth married
Wealthy Blair on 12/24/1825 as well as Seymour Ellsworth married Samantha Blair on 1/2/1837.
From: James Blair Peters
I am trying to find out information about my great great grandfather, Lyman Blair. He was born in 1797 and was a farmer
in Erie County Pa. The 1850 Erie Census says that he came from Vermont. I do not find him in your website. Can you be of any help? Thank you.
From: Susan Schwinn
I have a Joseph Blair who married into my family in VT. This is all the info. I have:
Joseph Blair, b. Bartlett NH, birthdate & parents unknown. He m. Phebe G. Richardson (b. 17 Sept. 1835(?), Craftsbury VT to
Reuben G. & Anna [Patterson] Richardson) bet. June 1860 (census) & (probably) Sept. 1866, most likely in Walden, VT.
Daughter Hattie born June 13, 1867 in District 5, Walden, VT. Phebe lived in Walden in 1860, so it's very likely that she &
Joseph married there.
Joseph possibly died between 1867-1870, as Phebe is living alone by the 1870 census. Phebe remarried on 28 Jan. 1871 to Roswell
Hubbard in Hardwick, VT.
Hattie Blair died in 1881 & is buried in the same grave in North Walden cemetery with her grandmother Anna (Patterson)
Richardson & Stevens B. Patch (his relationship is unknown to Anna & Hattie).
From: Matt Dunne
My name is Matt Dunne and my brother is Josh Blair Dunne.
We are the Grandchildren of Emmaline Bailey, who is the daughter of George Bailey and Minerva Blair (born 1872 in Jay Vermont).
I believe Minerva's parents where William L. Blair (b. 1843) and Carrie Clapper.
I also believe that William's parents where John Blair who was born in Scotland 1816 and was married to an Emiline.
That is the extent of the family tree we have covered on that side. I do understand that somehow we are related to the Blairs
who had the veneer operation in North Troy.
I would love any further information regarding the family tree and on the history in Jay to Scotland.
From: John Thomas
Hi, I am trying to figure out a few things about Mary Ann Blair of South Newfane/East Dover Vermont. I know that she was born
around 1832 but I don't know where. I know she married William Mundell-probably in the early 1850s. I think that they lived in
Putney VT. I know that between late 1850s and 1882 the couple migrated to Oregon and William died. Mary returned to the Mundell
farm in Vermont.
I know that she had a daughter named Hannah E. (Gould) who died in 1882.
I know that she wrote to Charlotte Blair in Wendell, MA.
What I don't know and would like to find out is where she came from-MA? What her family might be?
Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!
John Thomas
From: Tina Blair
Hi, My name is Tina Blair, I thought you might like to add this info to your site: this info came from the cemetery here in NY.
Town of Kingsbury, Washington Co., they are in my family tree: unknown Blair (on grave it reads father) b. nov. 7, 1807 -
d. dec.2, 1888, William Blair (believed to be son of unknown) b. 1828 - d. nov. 1904, Charles Blair (son of Wm.) b. 1849 -
married Sarah Holmes b. 1851, their son George Blair b.7-13-1874 - d. 4-24-1930 (also had 3 sisters) married Margarett Truehart
their children were Frank Blair b.9-8-1900- d. 5-25-1965, William Blair b.7-7-1909, Charles Blair b.1895-d.8-8-1935, Estella Blair,
Sarah Blair b.5-18-1906, Margarett Blair b.10-22-1911, and my grandfather George Blair b.1-4-1904- d.7-27-1966 who married-or
lived together Lillian Lavalley their son Ernest Blair was my dad b.12-13-1925- d.6-17-1992, my dad had 5 sister's and 1 brother
who died in 1954 and 2 half brothers - Norris Vradenberg and Douglas Whiting (who his mother considered to be the clan baby)
From: Tina Blair
I've been searching on my blair line and found out that Charles H Blair's father was John Martin Blair not Wm. as I thought.
John 's wife was Margaret. I believe John was born around 1820. Charles was born 7/23/1849 in Fort Plain, N.Y. as for the
rest of the info is correct. Thank You
I got some info from local historian on Blair's if you would like it. It was dated Sept. 2, 1767 and I don't see a connection
with my blair's as of yet.
Thanks Tina Blair
From: Jeanette Adams
My greatgrandfarther, was Henry Blair born in Kingsey,Que. One of 7 children.My G.G. grandfarther was Edward Blair died in Danville VT.
Wife was Angeling. Had a least 3 sisters Mary Holths, Dora Blair and Henrietta Cotter.
From: Tammy MacBryde Derry
I decided to look up the Blair name when I was reviewing my family tree. My Great Grandmother's name is Rena Blair who married
Leonard Gilbar. They had a daughter Jessie... my Grandmother. I live in Enosburg Falls, VT and would love to learn more or provide
Thank you.
Tammy MacBryde Derry
From: Paula Cram
I just recently figured out my great-grandmothers real family. She was adopted in the late 1880's. Anyway, after receiving her
birth record, with her parents listed, I have found she is indeed a Blair. They kept her name that thru the adoption also.
Her mother's real name is Carrie M. Blair, I believe from Census records that Carrie is the daughter of Mathew and Laura Blair
in California. Mathew is listed as being born in Vermont, in the 1880 Census, (Mathew was 58 years old), Carrie was 18, and Ida,
my grandmother was just born that year. I was wondering if you had anything on a Mathew Blair, born around 1821-22 or maybe you
could point me in the right direction. Any response is appreciated :)
Paula Cram
From: Phillip H. Blair
Looking for information, related to, Charles Edward Blair. Married to Lucy Messeck, lived in Burlington Vt. Moved there from
Champlain NY, after 1923, Had 2 children, Victor Donald Blair, son. Mickey Blair, daughter. Understand my grandfather, Charles
had a checkered past. If you have any information on him, please contact me.
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